Tolkien events around the globe, or how to meet Bilbo and Gandalf in contemporary Middle-earth
© Feärine 2019. All rights reserved
See international calendar of Tolkien events 2019 to help you meet Bilbo and Gandalf in our Middle-earth.

Festival of the memory of Numenor at the Prancing Dreadnote bar, Moscow, Russia

Magic boat in Neskuchny garden near Eglador, Moscow, Russia

Finrod rock opera by Eterius theatre, Moscow, Russia

Tolkien mythology seminar at the Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia

The Hobbit by Moscow youth theatre, Moscow, Russia

J. R. R. Tolkien's birthday, St. Petersburg, Russia
It is not easy finding an event nearby or somewhere at a distant spot of our planet where one can meet friends or those who think of the Tolkien's legendarium in the same vein.
I myself have encountered a lot of websites and communities that provide extensive material, yet my wish and search mostly concentrated on finding something really interesting, in line of an adventure that Bilbo would love to have (looks like a role-playing game or a tournament now) or an event for lady Eowyn and Arwen (seemingly a ball). Hopefully the organizers of the great and powerful events in Middle-earth around us will soon come up with something that has a little of both for all Tolkien lovers alike.
Meanwhile here are some of the findings over the net that now encircles our world:
International calendar of Tolkien events 2019
Month | Dates | Title | Venue | Entrance fee | Website |
January | 03.01.19 | J. R. R. Tolkien's birthday | St. Petersburg, Russia | 300—600 ₽ | (Russian) |
03.01.19 | J. R. R. Tolkien's birthday | Moscow, Russia | 200—300 ₽ | (Russian) | |
25.01—12.05.19 | Tolkien: Maker of Middle Earth | New York, US | free (by ticket only) | | |
February |
Vescon 2019 | Moscow, Russia | 1400—1800 ₽ | (Russian) |
March | 17.03—04.04.19 | New York Tolkien Conference & Fellowship | New York, US | — | |
May | 09.05—12.05.19 | Estelcon 2019 | Santa Marta de Tormes, Spain | €89—170 | |
June | 14.06—16.06.19 | Tolkien Tage 2019 | Geldern, Germany | €18 | (German) |
June 2019 | Arda & Arta Spring 2019 | Moscow, Russia | free | (Russian) | |
July | 25.07—28.07.19 | Tolkien Thing 2019 | Lützensommern, Germany | €109—139 | (German) |
August | 07.08—11.08.19 | Tolkien 2019 | Birmingham, UK | £95—125 | |
October | 05.10—06.10.19 | KaminKon 2019 | St. Petersburg, Russia | 800—1400 ₽ | (Russian) |
October 2019 | Arda & Arta Autumn 2019 | Moscow, Russia | free | (Russian) | |
21.10—01.01.20 | Tolkien exhibition | Paris, France | — | (French) | |
November | 02.11—05.11.19 | Zilantkon 2019 | Kazan, Russia | 2600 ₽ | (Russian) |
Still hopeful for a great event to come up (and for a repeating of one of the renown Oxonmoots).
© Feärine 2019. All rights reserved
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