Unpublished material by J.R.R. Tolkien as of October 7th, 2010
Christopher Tolkien's The History of the Silmarillion. Material not published in The History of Middle-earth volumes.
Tolkien's full account of Númenor ('A Description of the Island of Númenor'?) "Although descriptive rather than narrative, I have included selections from my father's account of Númenor, more especially as it concerns the physical nature of the Island, since it clarifies and naturally accompanies the tale of Aldarion and Erendis. This account was certainly in existence by 1965, and was probably written not long before that." [Unfinished Tales, Introduction]
Linguistic material related to Tolkien's invented languages – at least Taliska [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taliska]
Mágol papers [http://lingwe.blogspot.com/2010/10/new-issue-of-mythlore.html]
Various scattered, still unpublished notes? Cf. note on dwelling place of the Rangers found by David Salo
'The Dale-lands'. Earlier called 'The Dale Lands'. [Reader's Guide p. 843]
'The Horns of the Host of Doriath'. An earlier version was called 'The Trumpets of Faery'. [Reader's Guide p. 848]
'The Grimness of the Sea', earlier versions of 'The Horns of Ylmir' [Reader's Guide p. 848]
'Tol Eressea', early version of 'The Lonely Isle' [Reader's Guide p. 850]
Lectures on Beowulf and Modern English translations of Beowulf. While at Leeds, Tolkien began, but left unfinished, an alliterative verse translation of Beowulf into Modern English, and also worked on a prose Modern English translation, which was complete by the end of April 1926; neither, however, was ever finished to his satisfaction. Tolkien included a few lines of his verse translation in his preface to John R. Clark Hall’s translation of Beowulf, and others have appeared posthumously, the longest passage to date in The Lost Road and Other Writings, pp. 92—93.
Partial translation of the First Branch of the Mabinogi, Pwyll, Prince of Dyfed, along with extensive notes on the name ‘Annwn’. [Bodlean Library, Oxford: Dept. of Western Manuscripts, Mss Tolkien A18/1, fols. 134—156.]
Lecture 'The Goths'. In this lecture Tolkien deals with the vanished tradition, literature, history, and the tongue of the Goths. [Bodlean Library, Oxford: Dept. of Western Manuscripts, Mss Tolkien A15/2, fol. 149.]
Lecture on dragons. Christmas 1938 [summary in The History of The Hobbit p. 540-541]. The text of this lecture reveals Tolkien's thoughts on aspects of dragon-lore not discussed elsewhere in his works. [Bodlean Library, Oxford: Dept. of Western Manuscripts, Mss Tolkien, materials currently with restricted access.]
An unpublished essay concerning the translation of poetry. [Bodlean Library, Oxford: Dept. of Western Manuscripts, Mss Tolkien A30/1, fols. 121, 107—109.]
'The Fall of Arthur'. Poem in alliterative verse, written in the early 1930s and abandoned after 954 lines, though various outlines and drafts survive in addition to the final unfinished text.
'Sellic Spell'. Story, written in the early 1940s as an attempt to reconstruct the Anglo-Saxon tale that lies behind the folk- or fairytale element in Beowulf (here ‘Beewolf’).
'Reginhardus, the Fox' and 'Monoceros, the Unicorn'. Two poems, composed probably not long before 1927 (together with two other animal poems, 'Fastitocalon' and 'Iumbo, or ye Kinde of ye Oliphaunt').
'Tales and Songs of Bimble Bay'. Series of poems, written by Tolkien c. 1928, incorporating fantasy and satire, and centred on an imaginary English coastal town and harbour. These include '*The Bumpus' (revised as 'Perry-the-Winkle'), 'The Dragon's Visit', 'Glip', '*Old Grabbier', 'Progress in Bimble Town', and '*A Song of Bimble Bay'; those titles asterisked are still unpublished.
'The Ulsterior Motive'. Discursive essay, written in response to the posthumous publication of C.S. Lewis’ Letters to Malcolm, expressing Tolkien's hurt at anti-Roman Catholicism from Lewis.
A glossary-index to The Lord of the Rings. Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull have referred freely to this unfinished index in their notes on various topics in The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion (2005), but otherwise it remains unpublished.
Essay, written in response to seeing Pauline Baynes’ depiction of various characters from The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien described each member of the Fellowship of the Ring and some other persons as he pictured them — an invaluable aid to any illustrator of his work. [Bodlean Library, Oxford: Dept. of Western Manuscripts, Mss Tolkien A61, fols. 1—31.]
'The Bovadium Fragments' (perhaps composed early in the nineteen-sixties) is a parable of the destruction of Oxford (Bovadium) by the motores manufactured by the Daemon of Vaccipratum (a reference to Lord Nuffield and his motor-works at Cowley) which block the streets, asphyxiate the inhabitants, and finally explode. [Biography, p. 163] "[A] satire written long before and having as its main point the worship of the Motores, i.e., automobiles, and the traffic jams blocking the roads in and around Oxford. It was full of the inventiveness to be expected of Tolkien. Some of the characters are Rotzopny, Dr. Gums, and Sarevelk. I judged that it had two elements that would make it unpublishable. One was the more than liberal use of Latin, and the other the probability that a reader's eye would focus on its playfulness rather than its serious implications. Actually it was an early comment on the commercialization of our world." [Clyde S. Kilby, Tolkien & The Silmarillion, p. 36]
Lecture series: The 'Elder Edda'. Only a substantial part of the opening lecture is published in The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrún [S&G p. 14]
Draft lecture: Elder Edda. Basis of above mentioned lecture [S&G p. 14]
Lectures on Guðrúnarkviða en forna (the Old Lay of Gudrún) [S&G p. 55, 315-316], partly printed in S&G pp. 315-316
Lectures, notes or commentaries at least on Fáfnismál, Sigrdrífumál, Atlakviða/Atlamál, Nibelungenlied, the knowledge of the Völsung legend among Old English poets, and the 'great lacuna' of Norse legend [S&G pp. 207-209, 241, 311, 320-321, 325], parts of these are cited or referred to in S&G p. 210-211, 220-221, 242-245, 312, 320-321, 324, 325, 328-329, 331-332, 340-341, 349-356, 361-362, 371, 376)
Other Norse papers [S&G p. 13, 217-218]?
Sample translation from Isaiah (1:1-31) [Reader's Guide p. 438, Chronology p. 501)
Unpublished manuscript in which Tolkien mentions The Sword in the Stone
'The Brothers in Arms' (or 'The Brothers-in-Arms') [Reader's Guide p. 842]
'Copernicus and Ptolemy' (or 'Copernicus v. Ptolemy'). Earlier called 'Dark'. [Reader's Guide p. 843]
'Companions of the Rose' [Reader's Guide p. 843]
'From the many-willow'd margin of the immemorial Thames' (the second stanza) [Reader's Guide p. 846]
'G.B.S.' Earlier called 'GBS'. [Reader's Guide p. 846]
'Gunnar's End'. Translation of brief passage from the Norse Atlak-vida into Old English verse. [Reader's Guide p. 847]
'Dark Are the Clouds about the North' [Reader's Guide p. 844]
'May-day'. Earlier called 'May Day', 'May Day in a Backward Year' [Reader's Guide p. 851]
'Magna Dei Gloria' [Reader's Guide p. 850]
'A Memory of July in England' [Reader's Guide p. 851]
'Morning Song'. Earlier called 'Morning-song'. An earlier version, also unpublished, was called 'Morning'. [Reader's Guide p. 851]
'The New Lemminkäinen' [Reader's Guide p. 852]
'Old Grabbler'. One of 'The Tales and Songs of Bimble Bay'. Earlier called 'Poor Old Grabbler' [Reader's Guide p. 852]
'The Pool of the Dead Year' [Reader's Guide p. 853]
'The Mermaid's Flute' [Reader's Guide p. 851]
'The Owl and the Nightingale' [Reader's Guide p. 853]
'Outside' [Reader's Guide p. 853]
'Morning Tea' [Reader's Guide p. 851]
'A Dream of Coming Home' [Reader's Guide p. 844]
'A Fragment of an Epic: Before Jerusalem Richard Makes an End of Speech' [Reader's Guide p. 846]
'Sparrow Song (Bilink)'. Earlier called 'Sparrow-song' [Reader's Guide p. 855]
'The Forest-walker'. Earlier called 'The Forest Walker'. [Reader's Guide p. 845]
'The Swallow and the Traveller on the Plains'. Earlier called 'Thoughts on Parade' [Reader's Guide p. 855]
'The Two Riders'. Earlier versions were called 'Courage Speaks with the Love of Earth', 'Courage Speaks with a Child of Earth', and 'Now and Ever' [Reader's Guide p. 857]
'Vestr um Haf'. Adapted as 'Bilbo's Last Song' [Reader's Guide p. 857]
'The Thatch of Poppies' [Reader's Guide p. 856]
'Ferrum et Sanguis' [Reader's Guide p. 845]
'Elf Alone'. Earlier called 'The Lonely Harebell'. [Reader's Guide p. 845]
'A Rime for My Boy'. The 'Father Christmas' letters, letter for 1938 [Reader's Guide p. 853]
Paper on Francis Thompson, 'Francis Thompson', presented to the Exeter College Essay Club [The Annotated Hobbit p. 205]
'Completorium'. Earlier called 'Evening'. [Reader's Guide p. 843]
'Stella Vespertina'. Earlier called 'Consolatrix Afflictorum'. [Reader's Guide p. 855]
'The Ruined Enchanter: A Fairy Ballad' [Reader's Guide p. 854]
'The Sirens' [Reader's Guide p. 855]
'Sunset in a Town' [Reader's Guide p. 855]
'Darkness on the Road' [Reader's Guide p. 844