Из Этимологий 5 тома:
EK-, EKTE- копье. Q ehte spear, ehtar spearman. N aith spear-point, êg thorn, cf. Egthelion, Ecthelion [STELEG]. [This original entry was retained, with change of EKTE to EKTI, Q ehtar to ehtyar, and the following additions:] [N] ech spear, Q ekko. Cf. Eg-nor.
EL- звезда. Q poetical él star (elen). Dor. el; N only in names, as Elwing. [This original entry received many changes:]
EL- звезда, звездное небо. Q poetical elen (ellen or elena) star. Dor el; N only in names, as Elwing, Elbereth. Cf. Eled- Starfolk, that is Elves. Elrond = starry-dome, sky [ROD]. [Added in margin:] Q Elerína star-crowned = Taniquetil; Elentári Star Queen = Varda; N Elbereth = Varda. [On Elbereth see note to BARATH; on Elerína and Elentári see p. 200.]
ELED- идти, уходить, покидать. Q Elda ‘departed’ Elf; N eledh. Q lesta- to leave, pa.t. lende. [This original entry was replaced by the following, written as carefully and clearly as the first:] ÉLED- ‘Star-folk’, Elf. Q Elda (Eldamar or Elende = Elvenhome, Eldalie, Eldarin); N Eledh, pl. Elidh, cf. Eledhrim, Eledhwen [Elf-fair >] Elf-maid, Elennor (Eledandore > Eleðndor). Dor. Eld, pl. Eldin. Dan. Elda. [The Dor. and Dan. forms were subsequently struck through and the following added:] In Dor. and Dan. transposed > edel- whence Dor. Egla, Eglath (cf. Eglamar, Eglorest); Dan. Edel.Eglador = Doriath in Doriathrin; Ariador = lands outside of Eglador. Cf. Eglor (Elf-river), Ilkorin name of a river in W. Beleriand. [On the earlier and later entries ELED see p. 344. Further faint pencillings show my father doubtful of the derivation of Eldar from a base meaning ‘star’, and suggesting that, although the name was so interpreted, it was probably in fact altered from edela ‘eldest’ - eðel, eðil being found also in Noldorin. A base EDE-, EDEL- ‘precede, come forward’ is proposed, with derivative edela (= eleda) ‘firstborn’, but this is struck out.]
EN- element or prefix = over there, yonder. Q en there, look! yonder. Adj. enta that yonder. Entar, Entarda (Enta + harda [?AR]) Thither Lands, Middle-earth, Outer Lands, East.
ÉNED- середина. Q endya, enya middle; ende middle, centre. N enedh. [To this original entry was added:] Endamar Middle-earth. Endor centre of the world. [See NÉD.]
ÉNEK- шесть. Q enqe; N eneg.
ERE- один, одинокий, лишенный. Q er one, alone; erya single, sole; eresse solitude; eressea lonely. N ereb isolated (*ereqa); eriol alone, single. Cf. Tol-eressea, Amon Ereb. Q erume desert, cf. Eruman desert N.E. of Valinor, N eru waste, desert.
ERÉD- *eredē семя: Q erde seed, germ; N eredh; Ilk erdh.[See RED.]
ERÉK- колючка. Q erka prickle, spine; erka- to prick; erkasse holly. N ercho to prick; erch a prickle; ereg (and eregdos [TUS]) holly-tree, pl. eríg. Cf. Taur-nan-Erig or Eregion = Dor. Forest of Region: Dor. regorn holly-tree (pl. regin, g.pl. region) [see OR-NÍ]. [Further addition:] Regornion = Hollin.
ES- обозначать, называть. Q esta to name, esse a name.
ESE-, ESET- предварять, превосходить. Q esta first; esse beginning; essea [?primary]; Estanesse the Firstborn. [Neither of these two entries were rejected, though they are certainly mutually exclusive, but the second was marked with a query.]
ESEK- Ilk. esg sedge, esgar reed-bed. Cf. Esgaroth Reedlake, because of reed-banks in west.
ET- из, вне. Q prefix et-, N ed-. Cf. ehtele under KEL. [To this original entry was added:] etsiri: Q etsir mouth of a river, N ethir [SIR]. ette outside; ettele outer lands; ettelen [?foreign].
ETER- Cf. ET out. open (come out, of flowers, sun, etc.). edro! open!
EY- вечность. Q aira eternal; aire eternity; ia (*eyā) ever. Cf. Iolosse ever-snow, N Uiloss (*Eigolosse). N uir eternity, uireb eternal. [This original entry was struck out, the material reappearing under GEY. Iolosse was probably the form underlying the early emendation to Oiolosse in QS §13. Oiolosse arose with the further transformation of this base to OY, q.v.]
EZDĒ- ‘отдых’, name of the wife of Lórien. Q Este; ON Ezde, Eide, Ide; N Idh. See SED.
EZGE- шелест, звук от листьев. Q eske; Ilk. esg; cf. Esgalduin.[This, which may be one of the original entries, was struck out. Cf. ESEK, and for Esgalduin see SKAL1.]
N - нолдорин(=синдарин)
Q - квенья