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Mark T. Hooker
A Tolkienian Mathomium
A Collection of Articles about J. R. R. Tolkien and His Legendarium
Llyfrawr 2006
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Foreword to Mathomium
What Is a Mathom?
previously unpublished
The Linguistic Landscape of Bree
previously published in English in Beyond Bree, May 2002 and in Russian as
"Лингвистический пейсаж Брийской округи", Palantir (the journal of the St.
Peterburg Tolkien Society), No. 31, 2002.
previously unpublished
The Linguistic Landscape of Tolkien`s Shire
presented at MythCon XXXV (2004). The article "Dwaling" was originally
published in Russian as "Dwaling" in Palantir, No. 42, 2004.
The Water
previously unpublished
previously unpublished
"And why is it called the Carrock?"
previously published in Beyond Bree, November 2001 and in Russian as "А
почему это называют именно Каррок?", Palantir, No. 34, 2002.
In Search of the Origin of the River Lune
previously published in Beyond Bree, April 2002 and in Dutch as "Op zoek
naar de oorsprong van de river Lune,", Lembas (the journal of the Dutch
Tolkien Society), No. 104, 2002.
In League with Miles
previously unpublished
Fractured Fairy Tales from Middle-Earth
previously published in Beyond Bree, June 2004, in Dutch as "Verwarde
Feeenverhalen van Midden-aarde", Lembas, No. 117, and in Russian as
"Сломанные сказки Средиземьа" in Palantir, No. 43, 2004.
Tolkien`s Use of the Word "Garn!"
previously published in Translation Journal, volume 9, No. 2, 2005, and in
Dutch as "Garn!," Lembas No. 120, 2005
Spit, Spat, Spittle: Those Whom Tolkien Wouldst Belittle
previously published in Beyond Bree, May 2005
The Leaf Mold of Tolkien`s Mind
previously published in Beyond Bree, April 2005
Frodo Quatermain
previously published in Para Nole, No. 13, 2005
Tolkien and Haggard: Immortality
previously unpublished
Tolkien and Haggard: The Dead Marshes
previously unpublished
The Feigned-manuscript Topos
previously unpublished
In a Hole in the Ground There Lived a...
previously published in Beyond Bree, November 2002 and in Russian as "В норе
под землёй жил-был...", in Palantir, No. 35, 2002.
In a Fogou in the Ground There Lived a Cornish Hobbit
previously unpublished
A Tale of Tolkien`s Woods
previously unpublished
The Bounders
previously published in Beyond Bree, May 2006.
The Cinematographer of Waverly
performed at MythCon XXXV (2004), and published in Beyond Bree, October
previously unpublished
previously published in Beyond Bree, March 2006.
Whence an Oliphaunt?
previously published in Beyond Bree, February 2006.
Tolkien in Chinese: A Thesis Review
previously published in Translation Journal, volume 8, No. 3, 2004
Appendix "A": The 39 Historic Counties of England
Appendix "B": A Brief Guide to the Translations Cited
Illustration Credit
About the Artist
About the Art
About the Author
Книга снабжена графическими иллюстрациями Джеймса Даннинга под псевдонимом
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