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Posted by: Хифион
« on: 28/07/2020, 20:28:53 »

Sorry, but we cannot allow to post any copyrighted materials here anymore due multiple copyright claims.
Posted by: arpero
« on: 28/07/2020, 16:17:40 »


Can you please share again PDF from 1 to 15 of Tolkien Studies? The link posted in mega.nz doesn't work any more.
Thanks in advance.



Does someone have the complete set of Tolkien Studies issues (1 - 15) as pdf files?

Here you go https://mega.nz/#F!A1MWRCSY!ee9KEwaCveGnGp8Q9yQh6w
Posted by: sciuro
« on: 02/12/2019, 04:25:15 »

Tolkien Studies, Volume 16, файл прикреплен к этому сообщению
Posted by: John
« on: 02/08/2019, 09:28:27 »

Posted by: Naugperedhel
« on: 01/08/2019, 11:57:05 »

Posted by: John
« on: 01/08/2019, 07:52:29 »

#mikapanja, please, refresh your link for TS 13
Posted by: Elentirmo
« on: 14/06/2019, 21:18:05 »

Появился анонс шестнадцатого тома академического толкиноведческого ежегодника "Толкин Стадиз":
Tolkien Studies 16 (2019)
*Luke J. Chambers, "Enta Geweorc and the Work of Ents"
*Marie H. Loughlin, "Tolkien's Treasures: Marvellous Objects in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings"
*Anika Jensen, "Flowers and Steel: The Necessity of War in Feminist Tolkien Scholarship"
*J.M. Silk, "The Kings of the Mark: Tolkien's Naming Process and his Views on Language Evolution"
*Megan N. Fontenot, "The Art of Eternal Disaster: Tolkien's Apocalypse and the Road to Healing"
*John Rosegrant, "Mother Music"
Notes and Documents
*Richard C. West, "A Letter from Father Murray"
*Thomas P. Hillman, "Not Where He Eats, But Where He Is Eaten: Bilbo's Bread and Butter Simile"
Book Reviews
*Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth and Tolkien Treasures, by Catherine McIlwaine, reviewed by Denis Bridoux
*The Fall of Gondolin, by J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Christopher Tolkien, reviewed by Jennifer Rogers
*Sub-creating Arda: World-building in J.R.R. Tolkien's Work, its Precursors and its Legacies, edited by Dimitra Fimi and Thomas Honegger, reviewed by David Bratman
*David Bratman, Jason Fisher, John Wm. Houghton, John Magoun, Kate Neville, Robin Anne Reid, "The Year's Work in Tolkien Studies 2016"
*David Bratman, "Bibliography (in English) for 2017"
Posted by: NoUse
« on: 12/02/2019, 23:56:13 »

Great! Much appreciated!
Posted by: NoUse
« on: 10/02/2019, 22:47:37 »


Does someone have the complete set of Tolkien Studies issues (1 - 15) as pdf files? It is pretty hard to track them down individually. Some are easy to find, whereas others I can't find at all.

Thanks a lot!
большое спасибо!

Posted by: Mablung
« on: 30/06/2018, 11:31:13 »

Thank You mikapanja! Dziękuję mikapanja!
Posted by: mikapanja
« on: 30/06/2018, 06:34:11 »

Is it posible for anyone to give us link to Tolkien Studies 13? The old one is not working anymore

Here is the link to the fixed file:
Posted by: Mablung
« on: 30/06/2018, 01:25:18 »

Is it posible for anyone to give us link to Tolkien Studies 13? The old one is not working anymore
Posted by: Virtual
« on: 05/01/2017, 16:42:41 »

mikapanja, thank you! Great, very interesting issue.
Posted by: mikapanja
« on: 29/12/2016, 16:07:18 »

I’m not so sure. The statement from West Virginia University Press that «Tolkien Studies is now only available as a paperback edition» could mean «only as a paperback, not hardback».
David Bratman, co-editor of Tolkien Studies, says that «the volume is scheduled to be published in softcover and on Project MUSE later this year»:
If so, Project MUSE will remain at our service. Let us wait and see…

I'm glad to say you were right :)

Here is the link to #13:

Unfortunately, page 147 is missing on the Project Muse site.
If someone gets hold of it, please post it here or send me a message...

Best wishes for the coming year!
Posted by: Virtual
« on: 24/10/2016, 15:56:39 »

Yes, but starting with this issue, it will be paperback only, no electronic edition :(
So from now on, a copy will need to be scanned each year...

I’m not so sure. The statement from West Virginia University Press that «Tolkien Studies is now only available as a paperback edition» could mean «only as a paperback, not hardback».
David Bratman, co-editor of Tolkien Studies, says that «the volume is scheduled to be published in softcover and on Project MUSE later this year»:
If so, Project MUSE will remain at our service. Let us wait and see…