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Автор: Naugperedhel
« : 12/01/2011, 18:13:44 »

Нет, все правильно, "кх".
Приложения к ВК:
In Dwarvish, which did not possess the sounds represented above by th  and ch (kh), th  and kh  are aspirates, that is t  or k  followed by an h, more or less as in backhand, outhouse.

Имелось в виду недопустимы две согласные фонемы в начале слова в кхуздуле. Кх - одна фонема, имеет особую руну №20, хотя в некоторых случаях звук передавался двумя рунами - №18 и №59.
Автор: Мёнин
« : 12/01/2011, 18:02:22 »

Февскангер пишет, что в гномьем языке не допускались две согласные в начале слова, и вообще выделяет Kh как одну фонему.

Без перевода:
The phonology was in some respects peculiar compared to other contemporary languages. There were at least two aspirated stops, kh and th, that is, k and t followed by h. (Note that kh and th do not here denote German ach-Laut and th as in English thin, as these digraphs often do in Tolkien's spelling.) Initial English k and t are also aspirated, but probably not as strongly as in Khuzdul. Khuzdul also possesses unaspirated stops, like French and Russian k and t, but unlike the situation in both English, French and Russian, Khuzdul k and t are phonemes in their own right, that must be distinguished from kh and th. As we know very few Khuzdul words, it is hardly surprising that we have no minimal pairs, but k vs. kh and t vs. th are seen to contrast initially: Kibil-nâla vs. Khazad-dûm and Tumunzahar vs. Tharkûn. Other consonants include the voiced plosives b, d, and g, the unvoiced spirants f, s, and sh, the voiced spirants z and gh (unless the latter combination of letters is actually g + h), the lateral l, the vibrant r (some Dwarves used a uvular R, others evidently trilled R), the nasals n and m, the glottal h, and one semi-vowel, y. There was also a glottal stop, but this was possibly not a separate phoneme, just a weak sound that was prefixed to words with an initial vowel (see below).
The table of runes (Angerthas Moria) in LotR Appendix D includes two letters that are transcribed ps and ts; it is said that these runes were only used by the Dwarves. Is this a hint that these sounds were somehow significant in Khuzdul, maybe even functioning as phonemes in their own right?

According to VT48:24, Khuzdul does not tolerate "two initial consonants". All words must begin in a single consonant (or in a vowel). On the other hand, consonant clusters may occur at the end of words, as in Rukhs "Orc".
Если кто-то понял это иначе, чем я, поясните.

naugperedhel, а вот это не аргумент.
Опять же цитируя Февскангера,
The Khuzdul word Khazâd, "Dwarves", was adapted to Quenya as Casar "Dwarf" and to Sindarin as Hadhod
То есть что у Серых Эльфов "Хадход", то у нолдор "Казар"
Автор: Naugperedhel
« : 12/01/2011, 17:45:36 »

Тут еще вопрос, что передает этот звук в русском. Очень похоже, что более правильно было бы Хазад.
Особенно если вспомнить, что в синдарин это слово было заимствовано в виде Hadhod (хазод).
Автор: Atanalcar
« : 12/01/2011, 17:24:38 »

В гномьем не было звуков [th, kh], и сочетания <th, kh> обозначают придыхательные согласные: тх, кх.

Следуем это святому правилу Толкина, и исправляем с Казад на Кхазад.