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Сообщения в этой теме

Автор: Corwin
« : 24/05/2012, 14:50:26 »

На ebay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/JRR-TOLKIEN-LETTER-HOMECOMING-BEORHTNOTH-/390314469848?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5ae08e29d8) выставили неизвестное доселе письмо Толкина.

Что-то это письмо никто из толкинистских сайтов не упоминает. Или я плохо искал.

А вот есть такое письмо, засветилось на французском форуме в марте этого года.
Описание на Tolkien Gateway.
Автор: Naugperedhel
« : 17/02/2012, 00:27:50 »

I have read with great distress about the troubles in Canada.

Вроде бы так.

Автор: John
« : 16/02/2012, 23:54:28 »

My dear Roy! How I wish I could see you! But here I am, imprisoned. I have only been away one night since I came here in 1968 after my accident! I should be well and active but for frustration. But we live in world fast slipping into self destructive lunacy. I have read with great distress about the (неразб.) in Canada. But if I is a Free man I should love to visit and see you. And next to (неразб.) to see S. Africa again. In some warp the most memorable event this year was a visit from Ding. She came and stayed for some days in (неразб.) summer, at a small hotel which we know. An amazing person. I should like to know the truth (неразб.) musical library: her own account seems to make her prefer conviction (неразб. 3? слова) amusing more than miraculous. She still has in Bindley Bee Cuzziy in her (неразб.) is Nizza are withdrawn interest: resend them all of great interest. Our Priscilla now a lecturer in Social Studies - was fascinates her (неразб. 2 слова) one of her heroines Octavia Hill (неразб. до конца предл.) I join (неразб.) as Leslie. Acc. to Gilbert 'blood is thick but water thin'. Alas (неразб.) there is so much (неразб.) Fluid between us. (неразб.) with love

Кто сможет прочитать лучше - сделайте это и переведите.
Автор: John
« : 16/02/2012, 23:06:57 »


J.R.R Tolkien Airmail Family letter of 14 December 1970.
Photograph of Wilfred Tolkien, Tom Hadley and five others.

J.R.R. Tolkien's father, called Arthur Tolkien, had a sister called Florence Tolkien, who married about March 1888 to Tom Hadley, a solicitor, born King's Norton, Worcestershire. Florence Tolkien and Tom Hadley had one son, Wilfred Arthur R. 'Roy' Hadley (1889 - 1981).

Roy Hadley therefore counted his mother's sibilbings amongst his aunts and uncles and their children (including J.R.R. Tolkien and H.A.R. Tolkien) amongst his first cousins. Roy Hadley immigrated to Canada in 1913 settling in Victoria, BC. He married Leslie Martin Warnock in Oak Bay, BC 11 January 1926. Over the years Roy and Leslie maintained periodic correspondence with J.R.R. and Edith Tolkien and presumably other Tolkien family members.

This particular letter appears to be a Christmas letter updating Roy and Leslie on the Tolkien family happenings of 1970 including references to:
- The death of Hilary Tolkien's wife Magdalen on 5 April
- Her requim and burial perfomed by Edith and Ronald's son John
- Hilary's son Gabriel, wife and children moving from Wesham to live with him
- Edith's March fall and resultant injuries
- Pending visits from son John and daughter Priscilla
- Reference to 'Canadian dauhter-in-law' Baillie in Winnipeg
- Ronald's 1968 'accident' and their move to Poole
- Canada's 'troubles' in 1970
- Ronald's desire to visit Canada and South Afrika
- A happy summer visit from "Ding" - 'an amazing person'

This letter comes together with a photograph (circa 1880's ?) includes brothers-in-law Wilfred Tolkien (second from left), Tom Hadley (extreme right) and five others. Wilfred Tolkien was the brother of J.R.R. Tolkien's father.

A wonderful copy that will be admired by any Tolkien fan.

Digital photo's available, inquire if interested.
Автор: Valandil
« : 25/09/2011, 08:02:40 »

Давайте попробуем всё-таки разобрать то, что читаемо. Я попробую в свободное время уменьшить количество вопросиков, неплохая головоломка. :)

17th April, 1967.

Dear Mr. Gilbert,

Thank you very much for your charming letter which pleased me very much.

I think one of the reasons why books read in childhood lose their charm later is that many of them are actually very ill-written, and this fault is not (consciously) noted by the uncritical and unexperienced reader.

With regard to my published work, there is one item that might interest you and which you may not actually have, and that is The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth. It was originally in Essays and Studies of the English Association (New Series), published by John Murray, I think in 1951. It has been reprinted in The Tolkien Reader, published only in America by Houghton Mifflin, Boston. I am in fact under contract to publish the legends and stories of the eras before the Third Age, especially those ????? summered in Appendix A, the ??????????????????? to ????? already written but not revised. Time goes too quickly. The notice of my anniversay (which you observed in The Times) warns me that that event*, which seems like , ??????????????????????????????????????????????. 

With best wishes,
yours sincerely,
J.R.R. Tolkien.

*My golden wedding.
Автор: John
« : 24/09/2011, 22:33:31 »

К сожалению, самая интересная часть нечитабельна. :-(

Зато в "цЫтаты" уже есть.
Автор: John
« : 24/09/2011, 22:30:41 »

На ebay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/JRR-TOLKIEN-LETTER-HOMECOMING-BEORHTNOTH-/390314469848?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5ae08e29d8) выставили неизвестное доселе письмо Толкина.

Вот картинка - см. прил. файл.