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Автор Тема: Детская сказка. (+)  (Прочитано 2428 раз)

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John (14.11.04)

  • Гость
Я размещаю здесь сказку, которую написала моя дочь. Ей 11 лет. Написала сама на английском языке. Переводить не буду - дабы не портить впечатления.
Мне - понравилось, она светлая и грустная, но - кто знает? Ул.

Alina Hazanova.

There lived a boy in America.
His name was Serge.
He had two friends.
His friends were hunters.

One day his friends gave him something interesting, they gave him some decorations with strange words on them. He asked them to tell what those words meant. But the friends didn`t tell him anything.
In the evening Serge sat on an armchair in his little house, looked at the decorations and thought: "What can these words mean? I don`t know this language, but I want to know this very much!". Suddenly he felt that he wants to sleep very, very much ...
Next morning he opened eyes and saw a lot of golden and silver cups, dishes, forks and knives, bowls and spoons! There wasn`t any food in them, but they weren`t on the floor, they weren`t on the table, they... were flying around the house! And they were little, very little! The biggest bowl was just like one of Serge`s fingers! But who could eat from such small dishes?
Forest fairies, of course! Serge often read about them, but he forget all that he had read, when he saw those dishes. He didn`t know that the decorations were magic. But the hunters didn`t know it either!
Well, that, how it all began. One day hunters went to the forest and saw an old man. He was sitting on a tree stump, holding big bag in his hands. He asked the hunters to help him bring the bag to his house. They helped him. The he gave the decorations to the hunters and said: "Give those to your best friend. If you do, it help to ... No, I don`t want to tell you, but you must do what I say." We already know what happened after that.
When Serge saw the dishes, he wanted to sell them. Something in his heart said that he shouldn`t do that. But he wasn`t rich and these dishes could help him live more happier. So he sold all the dishes.
The next day he saw the dishes again, but there were not so many. And they were flying a bit nearer to the floor... Some fairies couldn`t do to the party, which was in Serge`s house every night, because he sold their dishes, and they didn`t have any other. The dishes flew near the floor because of a few fairies and their little magic!
But Serge sold the dishes again and again. He sold them and become rich. But one day he opened his eyes and he didn`t see any golden or silver dishes.
Serge was happy and rich. And the fairies... I think the old man gave them some new dishes and they might have a party somewhere else... but who knows!

The End.