Илуватар создал айнур, чтобы они пели в хоре, что не означает, что других похожих или непохожих на айнур сущностей он не создавал (проникся идеей Живого)
Так он создавал. Эрухини. Но — потом, и потом, они другой природы

Т.е. были еще кто-то, не айнур, которые тем не менее могли попасть в Эа (как Унголиант?)
Были созданы эрухини и дарованы души некоторым до этого бездушным материальным тварям. Были и другие тонкие или не очень вмешательства Эру.
Наконец, Люди будут участвовать во Второй Музыке.
И все-таки лучше цитировать оригинал,
В оригинале всё ещё чище

«There was Eru, the One, who in Arda is called Ilúvatar; and he made first the Ainur, the Holy Ones, that were the offspring of his thought, and they were with him before aught else was made. »
"Раньше, чем ЧТО-ЛИБО ещё было сделано"
«In the beginning Eru, the One, who in the Elvish tongue is named Ilúvatar, made the Ainur of his thought; and they made a great Music before him. In this Music the World was begun; for Ilúvatar made visible the song of the Ainur, and they beheld it as a light in the darkness. And many among them became enamoured of its beauty, and of its history which they saw beginning and unfolding as in a vision. Therefore Ilúvatar gave to their vision Being, and set it amid the Void, and the Secret Fire was sent to burn at the heart of the World; and it was called Eä.
Then those of the Ainur who desired it arose and entered into the World at the beginning of Time; and it was their task to achieve it, and by their labours to fulfil the vision which they had seen. Long they laboured in the regions of Eä, which are vast beyond the thought of Elves and Men, until in the time appointed was made Arda, the Kingdom of Earth. Then they put on the raiment of Earth and descended into it, and dwelt therein.
The Great among these spirits the Elves name the Valar, the Powers of Arda.»
"Величайших из этих духов эльфы называют валар". Из этих — это которые вошли в Арду.
It is told among the wise that the First War began before Arda was full-shaped, and ere yet there was any thing that grew or walked upon earth; and for long Melkor had the upper hand. But in the midst of the war a spirit of great strength and hardihood came to the aid of the Valar, hearing in the far heaven that there was battle in the Little Kingdom; and Arda was filled with the sound of his laughter. So came Tulkas the Strong, whose anger passes like a mighty wind, scattering cloud and darkness before it; and Melkor fled before his wrath and his laughter, and forsook Arda, and there was peace for a long age. And Tulkas remained and became one of the Valar of the Kingdom of Arda; but Melkor brooded in the outer darkness, and his hate was given to Tulkas for ever after.
Тулкас — Вала. Тулкас стал Валой, когда вошёл в Арду.
Ergo, Тулкас — айну, который вошёл в Арду.