Это продолжение дискусии, начатой в теме О гении и злодействе (
Цитата из: Krismage on 03-12-2003, 10:24:40
Цитата из: Dmitriy on 02-12-2003, 16:36:55
Да, соглашусь, что во многом - это просто вопрос веры, но не вполне
Существует еще такая вещь, которая называется духовно-рациональным мышлением и постижением (что, кстати, в отличие от всего многого и, поверьте, не в обиду будет сказано, не присуще женскому полу, имеющему много других ценных способностей), то есть когда не просто веришь "от всего сердца", что так оно и есть, но и постигаешь, что так оно и есть и видишь детально, что есть что.
Вот это номер! А что еще не присуще женскому полу? Простите конечно, не могу удержаться от смеха - разве тело не оболочка?
Тело-то оболочка, но мужчина - это мужчина, а женщина - женщина - не только и не столько из-за своего тела, а из-за своих внутренних начал, а также служений, к которым они по своей духовной природе предназначены.
Как мужчины, так и женщины предназначены для дополняющих друг друга служений разного рода, причем
войти полнофунционально внутрь служений, присущих противоположных другому полу они не могут.
Поскольку, как я понял, в этой теме приветсвуются цитаты, вот кое-что навскидку:
168. X. THAT THIS PERCEPTION IS THE WIFE'S WISDOM, AND THAT IT IS NOT POSSIBLE WITH THE MAN; NOR IS THE MAN'S RATIONAL WISDOM POSSIBLE WITH THE WIFE. This follows from the difference between the masculine and the feminine. It is masculine to perceive from the understanding, and feminine to perceive from love; and the understanding perceives things which are above the body and beyond the world, it being to these that rational and spiritual sight extends; while love does not go beyond what it feels. When it does go beyond, it does this by drawing on that conjunction with the male understanding which was established from creation; for understanding pertains to light, and love to heat, and that which pertains to light is seen, while that which pertains to heat is felt. From this it is manifest, that because of the universal difference which exists between the masculine and the feminine, the wife's wisdom is not possible with the man, nor the man's [rational] wisdom with the wife; nor is man's moral wisdom possible with women so far as it partakes of his rational wisdom.
174. XVI. THAT THERE ARE OFFICES PROPER TO THE MAN, AND OFFICES PROPER TO THE WIFE; AND THAT THE WIFE CANNOT ENTER INTO THE OFFICES PROPER TO THE MAN, NOR THE MAN INTO THE OFFICES PROPER TO THE WIFE, AND RIGHTLY PERFORM THEM. That there are offices proper to the man, and offices proper to the wife, has no need of being illustrated by a recountal of those offices; for they are many and various, and every one knows how to classify them according to their genera and species if only he exert his mind to the distinguishing of them. The offices above all others by which women conjoin themselves to their husbands are the education of the little children of both sexes, and of girls up to the age when they are given in marriage.
175. That the wife cannot enter into the offices proper to the man, nor, on the other hand, the man into the offices proper to the wife, is because they differ as do wisdom and the love thereof, or thought and its affection, or the intellect and its will. In the offices proper to men, understanding, thought, and wisdom play the leading part, but in the offices proper to wives, the leading part is played by will, affection, and love; and the wife performs her offices from the latter, and the man performs his from the former. Therefore, by their very nature their offices are divergent, yet in their successive series they are conjunctive.
[2] It is thought by many that women can perform the offices of men if only they are initiated into them from their earliest age, as are boys. They can indeed be initiated into the exercise of them, but not into the judgment on which the right performance of the offices inwardly depends. Therefore, in matters of judgment, women who have been initiated into the offices of men are constrained to consult men; and then, if they are in the enjoyment of their own right, they choose from their counsels what favors their own love.
[3] By some it is also supposed that women are equally able to elevate the sight of their understanding into the sphere of light in which men are, and to view things in the same altitude. This opinion has been induced upon them by the writings of some learned authoresses. But in the spiritual world, when these writings were explored in the presence of those authoresses, they were found to be works, not of judgment and wisdom, but of genius and eloquence; and works which proceed from these two, by reason of the elegance and fine style of the verbal composition, appear as though sublime and erudite but only before those who call all ingenuity wisdom.
[4] That men, on the other hand, cannot enter into the offices proper to women and rightly perform them, is because they cannot enter into the affections of women, these being entirely distinct from the affections of men. Because from creation and hence by nature, the affections and perceptions of the male sex are so distinctive, therefore, among the statutes given to the sons of Israel was also this,
The garment of a man shall not be upon a woman, neither the garment of a woman upon a man, for it is an abomination. Deut. 22: 5.
The reason was, because in the spiritual world all are clothed according to their affections, and the two affections, that of woman and that of man, can be united only as between two, and never in a single person.
(Из книги Conjugial Love (полное название: Delights of Wisdom concerning Conjugial Love after which follow the Pleasures of Insanity concerning Scortatory Love) по русски книга называет: Супружеская Любовь автор: Сведенборг). Отскаированного текста русского перевода у меня нет, поэтому придется читать по английски.
Цитата из: ANei aka Kirian on 03-12-2003, 11:57:25
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