Теги: Birmingham, UK, Tolkien

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John Garth: Tolkien biography

... You learn as you read this, that every generation in this valley, some three people have suffered the same tragedy. That's an extraordinary and original scenario.” 6. Tolkien in your country John Garth's talk at Tolkien 2019 ( “The two towers of Birmingham, and other follies” , August 2019) (photo of J. Garth) A lot can be said about how Tolkien is read, translated, and celebrated in different countries. I ask John about his UK view. Question What are the outcomes of Tolkien's works in your country? “Well, it's changed in my lifetime, so I now have a quite a long perspective on things. I started reading Tolkien in 1975, before the “Silmarillion” came out. At that time,...

Путь: TOLKIEN.SU / Статьи
Tolkien 2019, on the edge of the faerie

... creatures in our universe. Tolkien events around the globe, or how to meet Bilbo and Gandalf in contemporary Middle-earth Russia, Moscow, St. Petersburg, world April 2019 English First Tolkien-only museum opens in Moscow Russia, Moscow May 2019 English Tolkien 2019, on the edge of the faerie UK, Birmingham September 2019 English Overview of events in Tolkienology, or how to find adventure in the spirit of Bilbo and Gandalf in contemporary Middle-earth Russia, Moscow, St. Petersburg, world March 2019 Russian “Vescon 2019” (Moscow Tolkien convention) ...

Путь: TOLKIEN.SU / Статьи

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